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Annual Golf Tournament Hailed as Tremendous Success for Mental Health Service Support

August 25, 2022

            The 31st annual Pete H. Rea Memorial Golf Tournament was held Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Indian Foothills Golf Course in Marshall, raising more than $15,000 in what has become one of the most-anticipated golf events in west-central Missouri. Fifty-two teams took to the course in the two-flight tournament, which is named after the late, longtime Fitzgibbon Hospital board member and president Pete H. Rea.

            “We had such a great group of volunteers that helped with our tournament. They stuck it out in some pretty hot conditions,” said Andrea Barr, Foundation Director at Fitzgibbon Hospital.  “A big ‘thank you’ to the tournament directors, Lisa McComas and Susan Pointer, who did a great job for us on their own time!”

Proceeds from the 31st annual Pete H. Rea Memorial Golf Tournament will be used to support the remodel of the Fitzgibbon Hospital Behavioral Health Unit to continue to improve patient and staff safety.

As the annual “Pink Out” cancer awareness campaign rolls around this October, golfers will have another opportunity to help in a limited-space, two-person scramble nighttime tournament beginning with social hour at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Stone Hedge Golf Club.  The ‘Swinging for Pink’ night golf tournament will be complete with glow-in-the-dark golf balls.  Individuals are encouraged to go to to register.  Entry costs just $80 per team, and proceeds benefit cancer awareness and treatment in our community.