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About Us - Community Health Care

Giving Back

It All Comes Back To You.

Fitzgibbon Hospital is built on the tradition of community benevolence that began with Mr. John Fitzgibbon, whose vision was to provide a place where citizens of Saline County could receive quality health care.  The Fitzgibbon Hospital Foundation Office emerged in 2010 at the conclusion of the successful capital campaign to build the Community Cancer Center at Fitzgibbon Hospital.  The Office is a department of Fitzgibbon Hospital and uses the Hospital's tax exempt status to advance the mission of Fitzgibbon Hospital as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit hospital.


Online . . . click here
By Phone . . . contact the Foundation Office at 660-831-3850
By Mail . . . click here to download our printable donation form
In Person . . . the Foundation Office is located at Fitzgibbon Hospital, 2305 S. Highway 65, Marshall, MO 65340

The Foundation's Mission
The role of the Fitzgibbon Hospital Foundation is to build and strengthen community relations and to seek and secure new financial resources and philanthropic leaders who will support Fitzgibbon Hospital and its mission "to improve the health of the community."
The Foundation office solicits, generates, manages and disperses resources to support Fitzgibbon Hospital in its quest to:
Provide excellent patient care
Support the education of local health care professionals
Improve the health of the community
The Fitzgibbon Hospital Foundation exists to help givers follow their desire to make a difference that will help change lives, save lives and transform local health care.

The Foundation's Core Values
Stewardship.  Being excellent champions of the resources entrusted to us by our donors.
Inspiration.  Serving as a catalyst for mobilizing resources that support Fitzgibbon Hospital's reputation as a leader in community health.
Innovation.  Expanding the frontier of excellence in local health care, education, and community well-being.
Stability.  Providing a reliable source of funds, helping Fitzgibbon Hospital to plan confidently for its future.

It's AMAZING what YOUR donation can do!